December 28, 2007

Another dentist appointment...another excellent check-up....Dentist Appointment

December 26, 2007

1. I'm finally tall enough to ride on this. But I still had some trouble pedaling.. Waited Long TIme for This
2. Colin's first ride.... First Ride Enjoying it So Much
3. My thrill ride continues...See my feet dangling? Thrill Ride Feet Dangling
4. Ended my day in typical Jocelyn-style - met a stranger and just started talking up a storm like we knew each other since birth... My New Friend Can't Tell We Just Met

December 25, 2007

Sea World Colin Enjoying Too Cute Colin Killer Whale Spent today at Sea World. The special Christmas show at night was pretty cool... Before the Show Special Show

December 24, 2007

Even though I've been to Legoland numerous times before, this time...I'm finally tall enough to ride the roller coasters and drive a car by myself. I love going on roller coasters! I Love Roller Coasters I'm in Control

December 23, 2007

Going Shopping So Many Presents We are spending Christmas break in San Diego. We decided to break up the long drive down, so we stayed in Valencia overnight. After a refreshing night of sleep, we spent the morning walking in Valencia downtown and looking at the Christmas decoration in the mall. Me and the Snowman Mommy Sneaked into the Picture

December 21, 2007

One of My Prized Gift Since we will be out of town for Christmas this year, we got to open presents a couple of days early. Here's Colin trying to sit up and open a gift....he needed some help though.... Trying to Open a Gift... Needed Some Help

December 7, 2007

Christmas Play My first Christmas play....Can you find me? What was I? I Was a Star

November 26, 2007

6 Months Checkup After 6 months, Colin is 21 lbs. 0.75 oz. and 27.5 inches long. He's in the 83rd percentile in height and 96th percentile in weight. Today, he got 3 shots. Ouch... 2 in One Leg Gigantic Thighs

November 23, 2007

If I was born 1000 years ago in China, I might be like this.... Ancient Colin

November 22, 2007

Lavish Thanksgiving Feast We had a lavish thanksgiving feast at Natalie's place this year. Too bad Colin cannot enjoy any of the food yet. Maybe next year... Colin and the Turkey A Drink Anyone?

November 21, 2007

Imagine this in 20 years....(hopefully, not much sooner)..... On a Date Shopping

November 14, 2007

Who's Who?


November 10, 2007

At the Jungle Sharing a Ride Happy Birthday, Natalie! She had her party at the Jungle.

November 3, 2007

Stroll on the Beach I Love It!!! Very Enjoyable 3 Of Us Wow....Going to the beach on a November day (in San Francisco!!!)....We love California!

October 31, 2007

Ariel I dressed up as Ariel this year. And baby brother was Super-Baby!!! Super-Baby

October 22, 2007

What a Cute Little Guy What a Chubby Little Guy Matching Outfits Family Picture Happy Birthday, Mommy! We made our annual visit to Todai to take advantage of a free dinner for Mommy!

October 14, 2007

With Allison Went to Dawson and Trenton's birthday party today. Curious George

September 21, 2007

Big Guy At my 4 months appointment, I weighed 18 lbs. 10 oz. and is 26.25 inches long. That's in the 97th percentile in weight and 90th percentile in height. I also had to get 3 shots.... 3 Shots

September 8, 2007

At Shoreline Park We spent the afternoon at Shoreline Park. It was a beautiful day. It was also my first time going pedal-boating. Hopefully, next time, I will be tall enough to reach the pedals... Just Me and Daddy Can Barely Reached Very Enjoyable

August 29, 2007

Hanging Out with Rachel We went to the Children Discovery Museum with Rachel and Amanda. I finally got to see Clifford up-close. Yea, Clifford!

August 20, 2007

Water was a Little Cold Aileen and I Had Fun I had so much fun swimming in the lake and playing on the beach. Sexy...

August 19, 2007

Girly Girl at Tahoe So Happy to be Here We went to Tahoe for a couple of days.....

Here are all the pictures from the trip...

August 15, 2007

This is what girls do when they get together... Dress-Up

July 27, 2007

Happy One-Year Old Birthday, Amanda! Happy Birthday, Amanda!

July 23, 2007

2 Months Check-Up As you can see, at 2 months, Colin is now 14 lb. 3 oz and 23.75 inches long. That's 93rd percentile in weight and 79th percentile in height. He has definitely caught up compared to the first 2 weeks.
Before the Shots... Jocelyn was supposed to get shots during her appointment last week but since her birthday party was coming up, we didn't want to risk her experiencing side effects for her party. So she got her shots today instead. She's a tough girl. She held back her tears during the whole time even though from her expression, we could tell she was in pain. During the First Shot. Toward the End...

July 21, 2007

My birthday party at My Gym... With Mommy Center of Attention My Cake

Here are more pictures...
Album 1 and Album 2

July 20, 2007

4 Year Old Appointment Went in for my 4 year old checkup today. I weigh 39.5 pounds and is 39.75 inches tall. My BMI is a little high for my age so the doctor told me I need to limit my juice intake and eat more fruits/vegetables.

July 17, 2007

Princess Pose Hand Prints I started summer school. Highlights include making this T-shirt and bringing my lunch to school each day with my Hello Kitty lunchbox. Hello Kitty Lunchbox

July 15, 2007

Happy Anniversary, Mommy and Daddy!

4 Years Ago: Today:
The Younger Days Older

June 30, 2007

The Swimmer In Action Jocelyn started her swimming lessons again. Watch her in action...

June 24, 2007

We haven't gone out to eat for awhile since Baby Brother was born. We finally were able to do so tonight. I was so happy - especially since it's Sushi! I Love Sushi

June 19, 2007

I got to tag along with Rachel and her family to Coyote Point Park in San Mateo. What a blast! Day Trip with Rachel

June 8, 2007

Daddy's 2 week paternity leave ends today. So he decided to take Jocelyn to Chuck E. Cheese before having to go back to work on Monday. Let's just say....both Daddy and Jocelyn had as much fun! Chuck E. Cheese On TV

June 7, 2007

Colin's 2 week appointment - 8 lb. 6 oz. (42th percentile) and 21.5 inches long (80th percentile). His weight to length percentile is only 4%. :)

June 4, 2007

Yea! Colin is off the bilirubin blanket. The level is around 11.x.

May 31, 2007

Bilirubin Blanket Poor Colin! His jaundice level went from 9.x to 12.x to 14.x to 16.x to 17.x. As a result, he has to be on this phototherapy machine (bilirubin blanket which emits blue lights on his back) the whole time. He was pretty much confined to this room ever since we returned from the hospital. He also had to get tested almost everyday - which means getting poked at the heel in order to get blood samples. For the most part, Colin was a pretty good sport about this whole jaundice thing. Fortunately, the jaundice is finally decreasing or else he would have to be admitted back to the hospital.

May 29, 2007

Big Sister and Little Brother Natural Poses Going Home Today! Mommy and Colin are going home from the hospital today! Home Sweet Home!

May 26, 2007

First Family Picture A Very Happy Jocelyn Kissing Baby Brother Jocelyn met Colin for the first time today. She has already smothered him with lots of hugs and kisses.

May 25, 2007

Colin Thomas Chow born today. 8 lb. 12 oz. and 20.5 inches long. Hello, World!

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